I spent most of the holidays with my family, and because I was so busy helping out in the kitchen I even managed to avoid the customary weight gain. Most of that can probably be chalked up to me not being a huge fan of traditional Christmas food, but keeping busy also definitely helped prevent me from stuffing my face with chocolate. My hat goes off to my mother though: just helping with menial tasks resulted in me being completely exhausted, so I can only imagine the effort that goes into banging out dinner for eight people.
I received a surprise present from my mother in the form of a pretty bouquet of tulips, and now I've developed an obsession with keeping cut flowers at home. This winter has been so dark and grey that I've found myself wishing for spring earlier than ever, and fresh flowers seem to alleviate my lethargy a bit. (But only a bit. Not enough to actually get me started on my thesis.)

I've also tried to combat my laziness by drinking lots of green tea, but during the last few weeks I seem to have switched to soy lattes. The green tea was probably a better idea, as drinking coffee makes me so hyperactive it's difficult to focus (especially on thesis writing. Do you sense a pattern here?). But there's nothing like waking up to the smell of coffee in the morning, especially if you can shamelessly take advantage of your boyfriend by sleeping in while he makes you a fresh cup.
Tulppaanit ovat meillä siivoupäivän kukkia :) olen perinyt tavan äidiltäni, mieheni aina tuskailee tätä, mutta ai että ne piristävät ja tsemppaavat puunaamaan :) Blogisi on muuten aivan ihana, olen lukenut läpi jok' ikisen postauksesi :) kiitos siis :)
minde k: Ei meilläkään kaksilahkeinen ymmärrä ollenkaan tämän kukkavillityksen päälle, mutta onneksi olen saanut jatkaa tulppaanien ostamista rauhassa. Ja todella kivä kuulla, että pidät blogista. Toivottavasti viihdyt lukijana jatkossakin. :)
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