As you've probably noticed, the blog is going through some changes. During the last few months I've found myself very uninspired when it comes to blogging, and after some contemplation I realized that my reluctance was mostly due to the language I was posting in. While I've spent almost four years blogging in Finnish, my history of writing journal entries online reaches far beyond that time. I originally started off writing on Livejournal in English, as a way of keeping in touch with my online friends. When I went off to Japan for a year, it felt more important to keep my Finnish alive, and so I started this blog and gave up writing in English.
Now I feel like I'm back to square one, and as my M.A. thesis in English is the only thing standing in the way of graduation, I find that I am using English less and less. As I still have a lot of friends internationally, it seems only natural to start writing in a lingua franca that the majority can understand. So, while the switch from Finnish to English may seem sudden to my readers, for me it's been a long time coming.
I do realize that this is going to be a bit of an adjustment for you readers, so try to bear with me. Hopefully this change will also pay off for you guys in the form of more frequent posts.