I've spent the last year being stressed out over my MA thesis, without actually getting much done. I've also felt worried about job opportunities while cursing my faculty and my major, thinking back on decisions made. I always thought I would have life figured out by the time I was 25, and that I would know what I want to do (sounds ridiculous, in retrospect). But in truth, all I really know is what I decidedly do not want to do. I suppose that's a start.

Image: OfTheFountain at Etsy
Right now I'm juggling thesis writing and work, but I am slowly trying to find my way back to blogging. I've struggled a lot with the direction I want to take my blog, but I suppose I just have to accept that as I have a wide array of interestes, my blog will invariably end up reflecting that. I am still interested in style and fashion (probably more than ever now that I have some actual spending money), but I am equally invested in music, movies, television, literature, design and cooking. Rather than limit myself to one of these topics, I am going to write about all of them (and more). Lifestyle blogging. We'll see how it goes.
In the mean time, please feel free to follow me on Instagram, Pinterest and Styleloving, as I am fairly active on all three.